Simple Rules  to be followed by Students :

1)  The study room should be in the northern or western direction of house.

2)  While studying, one should face in the eastern or northern direction. 

3)  For best concentration, Blue/Green/Yellow colour be used as table cloth. 

4)  The door of the study room should be at the north-eastern direction for beneficial results. 

5)  Mirrors in the study room should be covered.

6)  Make sure the study table is always away from the wall. An open space should be in front of the table.

7)  To increase concentration, the study lamp should be placed on the left on table.

8)  Wear light blue, cream, light green, white and pink,yellow color shirt while learning something avoid black,brown color. 

9)  Should sit on a wooden chair while studying.

10) Should sleep with  head towards East or South direction but avoid North,West direction.

11) Keeping flower vase at the North-East corner produces a soothing effect in the study room.

12) A small table-weight of crystal on the table is good for concentration, while studing sometime look  at it.

13) While revising text books first look at the pictures of a chapter and look at page no and try to recollect the detailts after that only go through the lines in book.It helps to memorize faster.

14) Daily take tulsi leaves mixed with mishri or honey every morning increases memory.Girls should take only 3 leaves and boys 5  tulsi leaves continuously for one month before the exam.Tulsi is commonly found in two varieties – the green coloured Lakshmi tulsi and the purple hued Krishna tulsi.Have green color tulsi. 

15) Worship Lord Ganesha every Wednesday with 5 blades of green grass and flower and every thursday with yellow flowers.

16) Clean your mouth,hand and feet with water before you sit for study.

17) Drink water from green color water bottles placed in sunlight.

18) Use yellow, orange and green colours for curtains,carpets,bedsheets etc in your study room.

19) No gloomy or dark color pictures in study room.On east direction of study room keep pictures of seven horses.The center of the study room should be kept empty.

20) Color of study room should be green/yellow/light blue/light pink/orange.

21) Dont keep `waste paper/dustbin inside study room. Dont eat on table of study room.

22) Use night lamp of blue/green/yellow color. It relaxes your body.

23) Dont sit in dark and try to recollect chapters or relax.

24) Have Veg foods on Monday,Saturday,Thursday.It keeps body fit.Spicy food to taken on friday.Aslo take curd on Friday and Saturday.If possible take milk daily.

25) Listen to instrumental music every friday must.Dont listen to songs begore going to bed.Study something then sleep.

26) On friday have food in dishes made of bone china or porcelain or glass.On saturday use stainless steel dishes/plates.on sunday use copper plates/dishes.Dont have food from plastic dishes.It helps in digestion and concentration.

27) Chew well and eat with hands.Using hand and fingers helps to release different digestive juices and enzymes and thus helps in proper digestion.

30) Keep nostrils clean and sprinkle water on face after every one to one and half hour of study.

31) Have Bottle Gourd as (lou/louki) every Monday and Thursday.It relieves stress.But it should be fresh.

32) Before study always chant  "Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatye Namaha" 12 times or minimum 5  times.

15  Commandments List for Students Appearing in exams.

1. During exam times never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you excellent results in exam.The most important thing to consider is equality in mental status. If two people are on the same mental plane, exam results  gets better.
If you were to choose between an evil friend and a snake to keep company with, opt for the snake.Because the snake will bite you only in self defence but the evil friend will put a bite for any reason and any time or always.

2. Even an ass has three lessons for every so called good Students: 

a) Although an ass is tired, he continues to carry his burden. 
b) He is unmindful of heat and cold. 
c) He always contended and dedicated towards his duty.

So get to learn something fruitful even from the worst of Students,do not hesitate.

3. Avoid friends who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin you behind from your back.
  He is like Poison being very soluble in all substances, it becomes impossible to separate later.

4.Purity of speech, of the mind, of the senses, and of a compassionate heart are needed by a student who desires to score higher marks.

5.Before a student start studying,always ask yourself three questions: 
 a) Why I am studying it 
 b) What the results might be and 
 c) Will I be successful. 

  Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, then only you can study nicely.

6.Remember The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind but the good results of a student spreads in all directions.

7. Students should not reveal what you have thought upon studying, but keep it secret being determined to carry it out  successfully.

8. The earth is supported by the power of truth, it is the power of truth that makes the sun shine and the winds blow, indeed all things rest upon truth so a student should have the courage to speak the truth always.

9. Students should remember that education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the handsome youth.

10.Wealth, a friend, a girlfriend,boyfriend and a house may be regained, but this body when lost may never be acquired again.So students should  never forget to sleep for 7 hours at night.

11.All Students should drop the idea that physical attachment and love are one thing. They are enemies. It is physical attachment that destroys all love.

12.Those students who speak of the secret faults of others students destroy themselves.

13.As soon as fear of exam approaches near, attack and destroy it , before it destroys you.

14.The world’s biggest power is the youth and beauty of hand writting so write nicely.

15.Do not allow a single day of your life to pass away without learning something good and useful.Remember the power Of a Student lies in his knowledge.

-- Collated from various sources

Learning Math Through Movement

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen Denmark, found, that when a child uses their whole body while learning, they improve at math, regardless of whether the impact of the activity is high or low. After the six-week study, students who learned while doing whole body movement saw math skills increase by nearly eight percent. They had about four more correct responses than the baseline, and twice as much improvement as the sedentary group.

Finland school deploys robots as teachers

The robot is able to understand and speak 23 languages

Elias, the new language teacher at a Finnish primary school, has endless patience for repetition, never makes a pupil feel embarrassed for asking a question and can even do the “Gangnam Style” dance. Elias is also a robot.

The language-teaching machine comprises a humanoid robot and mobile application, one of four robots in a pilot programme at primary schools in the southern city of Tampere.
The robot is able to understand and speak 23 languages and is equipped with software that allows it to understand students’ requirements and helps it to encourage learning. In this trial however, it communicates in English, Finnish and German only. The robot recognises the pupil’s skill levels and adjusts its questions accordingly. It also gives feedback to teachers about a student’s possible problems.

Some of the human teachers who have worked with the technology see it as a new way to engage children in learning. “I see Elias as one of the tools to get different kinds of practice and different kinds of activities into the classroom,” language teacher Riika Kolunsarka said.
Elias, which stands around a foot tall, is based on SoftBank’s NAO humanoid interactive companion robot, with software developed by Utelias, a developer of educational software for social robots.

The Maths robot — dubbed OVObot — is a small, blue machine of around 25 cm height, and resembles an owl.

-- Collated from various sources

Can Happiness Make You Healthier?

IN THE QUEST to study human happiness, including its causes and effects, even agreeing on a definition is a formidable undertaking. Joy, euphoria, contentment, satisfaction—each of these, at times, has been used as a proxy or emphasized in research studies.

Studies that probe the link between happiness and health outcomes are still relatively rare in scientific work, but the new Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health aims to change that as it pursues a new approach to health maintenance: focusing on specific factors that promote the attainment and maintenance of high levels of well-being. In this, the center represents a sharp departure from traditional medicine that focuses on risk factors and treatments for disease. 
Among the center’s first goals: to catalog and standardize the measures used to describe and evaluate happiness and related factors. “There are more than 100 different measures already in use for the various forms of well-being,” says Laura Kubzansky, the Lee Kum Kee professor of social and behavioral health. “And it may be that the instrument we need for our research does not yet exist.” Happiness, after all, is a term that encompasses physical, emotional, and social factors. Although the different facets of well-being frequently occur together, measuring one does not always shed light on whether the others are present; thus, different measures may be needed to capure these distinctive facets.

The researchers also hope to solidify evidence that emotional health influences physical health, and not just the other way around. This notion was challenged last year, when The Lancet published a study finding no connection. But critics (including Kubzansky, who coauthored a letter of response in the same journal) took issue with the study’s methodology, noting that in adjusting for self-rated health (which is partly defined by emotional well-being), the study’s authors essentially adjusted for the very factor they were trying to investigate as a predictor.

The debate exemplifies the tension underlying research in this area: the public seems to find the subject enormously compelling, but some segments of the scientific community remain skeptical. Kubzansky and her colleagues aim to amass enough evidence of biological connections between emotional and physical health that eventually the link will be taken for granted, much as exercise is generally regarded as beneficial.

Yet even if that link is established, how can it be applied? If some people are innately happier than others, are the latter doomed to ill health? To answer such questions, the researchers seek to identify social policies that may be relevant as well as to test interventions with the potential to increase happiness: exercise, mindfulness, and cultivation of a positive mindset, for example. Other studies will aim to establish best practices for corporate wellness programs by testing their efficacy.

Another prong of research will be led by Kasisomayajula “Vish” Viswanath, Lee Kum Kee professor of health communication, who studies the impact of movies, television, advertising, and social media on health and happiness. For example, watching or reading news with a focus on negative events such as war, terrorism, and crime may influence people’s sense of well-being: “If you feel that the entire world is coming apart, that affects your emotions,” says Viswanath. Researchers will also investigate how media can be used to positively influence happiness and health.

Research about happiness gets headlines more readily than grant funding. Kubzansky notes that to date, her projects—including studies of veterans that link post-traumatic stress disorder with poor heart health and a positive outlook with improved heart health, and studies of older men that link hostility with diminished lung function—have capitalized on existing data. That allowed her to conduct work on this topic without the level of grant support that an original study design and data collection would require. That is why the $21 million underwriting the new center—a gift of the Lee Kum Kee family, whose Hong Kong-based companies make products such as sauces, condiments, and herbal supplements—is critical to investigating the relationship between happiness and health. Such research represents a paradigm shift, Viswanath explains, and that has been one reason for funding challenges. Until very recently, he says, “We have always treated health as the absence of disease”—and the existing funding framework for both government investment and private philanthropy focuses principally on understanding and preventing specific diseases.

The new center will focus instead on factors that can lead to positive outcomes. “Unhealthy lipid profiles, high blood pressure: these are biological processes that have been shown to lead to poor health,” says Kubzansky. “The question is, are there biological processes that we have not yet identified, or that we don’t characterize well, that lead to better health?” She and Viswanath envision the center as a place that brings together researchers from Harvard and beyond, complete with funds for pilot-testing ideas that may generate the initial data necessary to obtain support for full-scale studies.

“People focus on problems because that’s what catches our attention, and people want to solve them,” says Kubzansky. But she is optimistic that the culture will begin to shift, thanks to the new center: “My hope is that with a convening platform to pull people together, we’ll be able to change how people think about health,” and how to maintain it throughout their lives.

-- Collated from various sources



Suryanamaskar is a form of sun worship and can trace its origin back to the Veda’s. The literal meaning of Suryanamaskar is salutation to the sun. Suryanamaskar consists of 12 different postures and is done along with chanting of mantras in every posture. Suryanamaskar is traditionally performed on empty stomach at sunrise which is considered the most spiritually favorable time and facing the rising sun.Suryanamaskar is included of 12 positions, each of which relates to one of the 12 symbols of the zodiac. One complete round of Suryanamaskar contains of these 12 positions performed in series twice. Related with each of the 12 positions is a mantra, which for optimal benefit should be constant orally or intellectually.

Mantra and Memory

The final point is the problem of memory. Memory is a great problem for children, i.e. the problem of encoding, storage and retrieval. All these processes combined are known as memory. Once solved the problem of memory and it means solving the greatest problem in education. To find a method to improve the child’s memory and introducing something truly revolutionary into the educational system is a task to be accomplished. People have tried different methods. But in order to develop the memory, children have to be guided through the path of mantra. The mantra hastens the activation of the subconscious mind and unconscious planes. With the help of mantra in concentration of Suryanamaskar will easily enhance the memory level in children.

Suryanamaskar Mantras ,Pose and Mantra Meaning

1)  Pranamasana  (Prayer Pose)  "Om Mitraaya Namaha"  means  Who is friendly to all.
2)  Hasta Uttanasana (Raised arms pose) "Om Ravaye Namaha" means The shining one, the healthy one.
3) Hasta Padasana  (Hand to Foot pose)  "Om Suryaya Namaha" means Who is the dispeller of dark and liable for brining activity.
4) Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)  "Om Bhaanave Namaha"  means One who lights, the bright one.
5) Dandasana (Stick pose)  "Om Khagaya Namaha"  means Who is all permitting,  means one who moves over the sky.
6) Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with eight parts or points) "Om Pooshne Namaha" means Giver of nutrition and satisfaction.
7) Bhujangasana ( Cobra pose) "Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namaha" means Who has golden color intelligence.
8) Parvatasana ( Mountain pose)  "Om Mareechaye Namaha" means The giver of light with unlimited number of rays.
9) Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)  "Om Aadityaaya Namaha" means The son of aditi the cosmic great mother.
10) Hasta Padasana ( Hand to Foot pose) "Om Savitre Namaha"  means  One who is guilty for life.
11) Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)  "Om Aarkaaya Namaha"  means  Worthy of praise and wonder.
12) Tadasana  "Om Bhaaskaraya Namaha"  means  Giver of wisdom and cosmic lighting.

Physical Benefits

 It stimulates oxygenation of blood, which is good for cardio vascular system.
 It bounces muscles and making them more flexible to avoid wounds.
 It increases digestive function such that body effectively removes all forms of poisons.
 It controls function in endocrine system and all other glands collected in it.
 It tones abdomen that creates a flat stomach and develops bowel movement.

Mental Benefits

 It increases ability to focus and concentrate.
 It allows effectively combating stress, anxiety and overcoming depression.
 It helps the production of serotonin in body, which is responsible for mounting that feel good sensation.
 It stimulates well coordination between mind and body, which is valuable in every day arrangement of communications.

General Benefits

 Tones up the digestive system by the alternative extending and compression of abdominal structures. It initiates digestion and grows clear of constipation and   dyspepsia strengthens abdominal muscles.
 Carefully ventilates the lungs, and oxygenates the blood.
 Acts as cleansing agent, by getting clear of vast amount of carbon dioxide and other poisonous gases.
 Tones up the nervous system and increases memory.
 Stimulates sleep and calms anxiety.
 Regulation the activity of the endocrine glands specially the thyroid gland.
 Restores the skin and avoid skin disorders.
 Expands muscle flexibility.
 In women, inspires the breasts to help resolution generally. Returns any lost elasticity complete stimulation of glands and strengthen of pectoral muscles.
 This helps to clear menstrual cycle irregularity for easy child birth.
 Checks loss of hair and gray.
 Helps decrease fat.
 Decrease abdominal status of the Adam’s apple.
 Helps to keep the body clean away from the nasty smells.
 Gives exact style and ease of action of the organ.
 Helps to keep the soul of youthfulness forever.
 Widens chest and smartens arms.
 To keep the spine and belly flexible.
 Gives good health strength etc.

-- Collated from various sources


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you sir this will help us a lot

  3. Sir what's the right time to drink milk--evening or bedtime. Niraj

  4. Sir what's the right time to drink milk--evening or bedtime. Niraj

    1. Very good question Niraj.To know it pls provide me your DOB,POB,TOB.
      For the time being if u r fond of reading stories books at bed time then have milk at bed time else have it in the evening after having moon bath for 7 to 11 mins.

  5. It is very helpful sir. Thanks a lot for giving such advices!!!☺☺

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dear Sridep Chant this mantra 8 times today before workship between 12:45 to 1:30 pm
    "Om Pram Preem Prom Se Shanishcharaya Nameh” for 8 consecutive saturdays.

  8. Anyone having any questions can post here

  9. Unnati Singh ReakuniFebruary 19, 2018 at 6:56 PM

    Sir why picture of seven horses should be kept in the east direction of study room.

    1. Horses are associated with speed.It symbolizes success and power to overcome hurdles.
      Number Seven finds its importance into many natural things and in Indian beliefs and rituals –seven colours in rainbow, seven large water bodies,seven days of week,saptrishi,Saat janam(seven lives) and saat phere.

  10. Sir taking a snap during day time is good for student or not??

    1. Yes, its very good.Even Einstein, Aristotle and other great minds used to do so.

  11. Thank you bubymama..

  12. Thanks sir for such valuable advices.

  13. Sir! At what time should my mom wear the moon stone?

  14. Today keep the Moonstone in raw milk in glass bowl.Tell to wear it Tomorrow between 12:15 to 12:40 pm, after bath by facing the north east direction and reciting the mantra "Om Shrim Som Somaya Namah" 7 times.Pure veg menu for today and tomorrow.Wear cream or yellow color sari while chanting the mantra.Donate 5 fruits to begger or in temple tomorrow.Offer milk or curd/doi to old ladies tomorrow.No arguments with maid tomorrow.

    1. Sir bolchi j kon hand a porbay left or right?



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